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Current Religious Studies teacher with an academic background in Philosophy, Religion and Ethics. Resources largely for the Edexcel A Level Religious Studies Course (2016 spec).

Current Religious Studies teacher with an academic background in Philosophy, Religion and Ethics. Resources largely for the Edexcel A Level Religious Studies Course (2016 spec).
3.1 War and Peace Revision Guide (Edexcel A Level RS)

3.1 War and Peace Revision Guide (Edexcel A Level RS)

Revision guide following the 2016 Edexcel Religious Studies specification for Paper 2: Religion and Ethics. Covers: Topic 3.1 : Application of Ethical Theories to Issues of Importance - War and Peace. Includes: Crib sheet of key words and key scholars Biblical context of Just war theory The History of Just war theory What makes a Just War? Modern contributions to Just war theory Case studies Different stances on pacifism Strengths and Weaknesses for all theories Evaluation prompters to help students with AO2
3.2 Sexual Ethics Revision Guide (Edexcel A Level RS)

3.2 Sexual Ethics Revision Guide (Edexcel A Level RS)

Revision guide following the 2016 Edexcel Religious Studies specification for Paper 2: Religion and Ethics. Covers: Topic 3.2 : Application of Ethical Theories to Issues of Importance - Sexual Ethics Includes: Key words and definitions Key questions Sex and the Bible (including key quotations) Catholic/ Natural Moral Law approach to sex Evangelical Christian approach to sex Liberal Christian approach to sex Criticisms of the Catholic approach (Jack Dominion) Application of the Liberal, Evangelical and Catholic approaches to key issues (e.g. homosexuality, adultery, sex outside of marriage, contraception) Secular ethical application to sexual issues from utilitarianism, kantianism, virtue ethics, libertarianism. Contributions from modern thinkers Vardy and Boswell
6. Medical Ethics Revision Guide (Edexcel A Level RS)

6. Medical Ethics Revision Guide (Edexcel A Level RS)

Revision guide following the 2016 Edexcel Religious Studies specification for Paper 2: Religion and Ethics. Covers topic 6: Medical Ethics - Beginning and End of Life Issues. Includes Key words, scholars, concepts and theories at a glace As well as detailed notes on: BEGINNING OF LIFE: When does life begin? Personhood Descriptions and evaluation of key beginning of life issues e.g. embryo research, PGD, cord blood research, IVF, stem cell research Abortion and the UK’s legal picture Religious and secular arguments regarding abortion END OF LIFE: Definitions and different types of euthanasia The hospice movement Arguments from the sanctity of life Liberal religious arguments regarding abortion Secular arguments regarding abortion Analysis of Wilcoxson’s anthology extract needed for the exam.
4.1 Meta Ethics Revision Guide (Edexcel A Level RS)

4.1 Meta Ethics Revision Guide (Edexcel A Level RS)

Revision guide following the 2016 Edexcel Religious Studies specification for Paper 2: Religion and Ethics. Covers: Topic 4.1 : Ethical Language - Meta Ethics Includes: Key words, concepts, theories and scholars at a glance. As well as detailed notes on: Ethical Naturalism Moore’s Intuitionism and other intuitionist theories Emotivism Prescriptivism Strengths and weaknesses for each theory Detailed analysis Evaluation prompt questions to aid students in developing their AO2 skill for the exam.